Monthly Archives: October 2009

Dear Hipsters

Dear Hipsters of the Mission, and other hipster neighborhoods of this great country,

I appreciate your efforts to be green. I really do. I’m certain you save a ton of plastic razors from being made by allowing yourself to grow a scruffy beard or an ironic mustache. You ride a fixie, instead of driving a car. Your vintage clothes? Totally green (though I can’t say I agree with your choice to wear women’s skinny jeans, but to each his own). PBR cans? Totally easy to recycle.

However. Throwing your cigarette butts on the ground? Not green. Please stop it.

pretty green girl

mustache tattoos


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pretty green confession: Plants

My mom came down this weekend to help me get settled in my new apartment (thanks, Mom!). We spent a ton of time looking for furniture and discussing organizing projects. I still haven’t done any unpacking… but I’ve thought a lot about it. That counts, right?

Anyway. When talking about my plans for decorating the place, this conversation took place:

Pretty Green Mom: How about a plant?

Me: This is going to sound bad, but do they only come in dark green?

I mean… I love plants. I do. Nature’s great. Outside. I may be pretty green girl, but it just doesn’t work with my color scheme. Is that so wrong?


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Light Green Wine

I was lucky enough to get to attend an amazing dinner last night, put on by Foodbuzz and Black Box Wines. The dinner was at Spruce, a restaurant I’d been wanting to try since it opened a few years ago. These are the times when I wish I was a better photographer – my little borrowed digital Canon would not have done this meal justice. Luckily, this was a blogger event, in a private room nonetheless, so you can bet there were some fabulous pictures taken that evening. Check out Beer & Nosh and Chez Us (hi, guys!) for photos and much better recaps of the night. I’ll just say this – house-made charcuterie, halibut with fennel and chanterelles, bavette steak, duck fat fries? Um, yum! I also met some lovely people, and a good time was definitely had by all.

Fill ‘er up!

Anyway, naturally (heh) my angle was taking in the green aspects of the evening, and there were many. First, Spruce buys local, fresh ingredients, uses naturally raised meats (not sure how I feel about that term, but let’s go with it), and line-caught fish. About 80% of their produce (according to their press materials) comes from a partnership with 5-acre SMIP ranch, which uses no synthetic pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers. I love that!

Since the event was sponsored by Black Box, I definitely wanted to find out about the company’s environmentally-conscious policies. I was happy to learn that both the box and the wine pouch are recyclable – you just have to separate them. Also, since the box of wine weighs much less than the equivalent in bottles, it costs much less to ship. While some of the wines come from far-off places, like New Zealand, Italy and Washington State, it will at least take less energy to get to you than the bottles would. Plus, the wine lasts a lot longer- how many times have you opened a bottle for just one glass or a recipe (what, you haven’t made my wine ice cubes?), and the rest has gone to waste? Remember: you’re not just wasting the wine (alcohol abuse!) but using more bottles as well. One box = much less packaging than 4 bottles. Though, I’d like to do a little more research on the manufacturing and recycling processes of the various materials, but that’s another story for another day. Probably one when I shouldn’t be packing instead of blogging. Oh, yes. Moving day tomorrow.

Ok. I hope this isn’t starting to sound like an ad. I feel very lucky to have had the chance to attend, and now I’ve got a box of Cabernet ready to christen my new apartment, after the big move. Wish me luck, guys.

Finally, I was realllly tempted to catch a cab after the dinner, because it was freezing, the bus (first of 2 I needed to take) wasn’t coming for 15 minutes, and, dare I say it, I was a little tipsy. Hey, four courses with wine pairings, whaddya expect? Anyway, I toughed it out and waited for the bus. I got lucky that I only had to wait 2 minutes for my second bus, and I got home with a fatter wallet and a lighter carbon footprint. I’ll drink to that!

How do you “green’ your wine? Buy local, buy organic, buy in a box?


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We Ran (and, ok, Walked a Lot) Like Girls

In case you were ever thinking about running a half marathon without training, DON’T DO IT. It’s very stupid. Even if you’ve done them in the past, it turns out you still need to train. Who knew? Not that I’m, um, speaking from experience or anything. Ouch.

Also: wearing old sneakers is not green. It’s just stupid. Don’t do that, either.


We totally took this picture so we could “like” it on Facebook

Socks by American Apparel (can you believe it, Sayer?). About that: I generally dislike American Apparel – I think the owner is way creepy, the clothes are ugly, and am not convinced the working conditions are all that great. But we really wanted some fun pink socks for the race, and these were our best bet: cheap, and at least made-in-America.

What do you think about American Apparel?

PS: Congrats to Elizabeth from Don’t (White) Sugar-Coat It for doing the full marathon in an awesome time!


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The Winning Invite

So glad to see you guys liked the eco-friendly baby shower invitations. Goes to show you that eco-friendly doesn’t have to equal neutrals and hemp paper – there are lots of “pretty green” choices.

To my delight, many of you picked my invite choice as your favorite! The Mom-to-be received hers in the mail today (and LOVES it, yay), so it’s safe to announce, drumroll please…

Patterned Blossoms by Tiny Prints!

An unexpected green bonus of choosing to go with Tiny Prints – they’re a local company! Rick from Tiny Prints found my post and let me know they’re just down the road in Mountain View – how cool is that? The customer service was fabulous, by the way. The order came super quick, and the site has live chat so you can ask any questions you have about your order. Consider this green girl impressed!

Do you like my pick?


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How To Throw a Pretty Green Baby Shower, Part 1: Invitations

My best friend is having a baby girl, and I couldn’t be more thrilled! Mom-to-be Kate is very eco-conscious, and plans to use cloth diapers and reduce her carbon baby footprint as much as possible. Eco, baby!

I’m very excited to be hosting her baby shower, and naturally I want to do things as green as possible. First up: invitations. Now, the most eco-friendly option would be to go paperless, but having grown up with a MIss Manners-loving mom, I couldn’t dream of sending a shower Evite. Luckily, there are a number of sites out there catering to us green etiquette junkies, using post-consumer recycled paper and even wind-power generation. Check out some of the adorable options I found in my search, below. Most of them even come in a “blue” version for little eco baby boys. I won’t tell you which I picked until Kate receives hers in the mail, but it’s safe to say I had a hard time deciding with all these cute choices!

Key terms to search for when seeking eco-friendly invites: recycled; post consumer recycled, green; plantable

From Tiny Prints,
made from 50% recycled paper content/30% post-consumer recycled

babyshower5Tiny Prints

babyshower3From Paper Culture, 100% Post Consumer Recycled Paper, wind-power generated, very green company overall

Paper Culture

babyshower6Tiny Prints

What’s your favorite? Have you ever attended an eco-friendly party or shower?


Filed under How To, Pretty Green Tip of the Day