What is a CSA?

For those interested in eating organic and local foods, a CSA is a great option. While I love going to the Farmers Market, sometimes I can’t make it there every week, so this provides me with another way to get fresh, local produce right from the farmers who grow it. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, and they work a few different ways. My CSA, Eating with the Seasons, sends me a list of what produce they have each week, and I fill out an order form and pick up my bag of produce the next week. Other CSAs select for you, based on what their farm/farms have that week. I like the option to choose my own, and I’m trying lots of stuff I’ve never had before – parsnips (love them! Who knew?), collard greens, kale, rainbow chard. Many do drop-offs at volunteers’ houses (I pick mine up at a house right near my gym) or community centers, while others will deliver directly to your door. I personally pay by the season, so the farmers know they have that money coming to them, but there are many different payment options. Through mine, I can also order local products like Certified Humane eggs, olive oil, spices, granola, jam, etc! To find a CSA (or farmers market!) near you, check out Local Harvest.


Filed under Green Defintions

6 responses to “What is a CSA?

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